Using a blog to grow your company is a wise decision. Blogging has a number of benefits that businesses can use to increase their online exposure.

Marketing just isn’t what it used to be. Gone are the days of having to walk around posting signs to advertise what your business offers. Having everything online at your fingertips has changed the way companies market themselves. Blogging has become one of the best marketing strategies available for a number of reasons.
No matter what type of business you have, you can use a blog to grow your business. How can a simple blog post help with your business? Let’s dig in further to find out.
1. Blogging With Unique Content Draws People In
It’s not easy marketing your products or services in a way that will create conversions. Blogging can be an effective way to show people something that they might not even know they needed. If you’re an exercise company offering exercise programs for mental health benefits, using a blog to advertise this is a wise idea.
Blogging needs to be done in a way that draws people in. That all starts with focusing on the current pains of customers and highlighting how your company’s products or services can address those pains. A lot of people use sponsored posts and videos to do this, but using a blog to reach your target audience can be even better.
2. Blogging Can Reach Your Target Audience
Using blog posts to reach your target audience is much easier than many of the other marketing tactics out there. A skilled content writing agency will incorporate keywords into all of their blogging. With keywords, your content will have a higher chance of ranking higher in search engines. With content that ranks higher in search engines, your company will have a higher chance of conversions.
A blog post should be seen as a marketing tool that can give your company increased exposure in the online world. 90% of transactions are done online, and because of that, your company can drastically benefit from blogging services. In addition to keywords, blog writing also needs to have:
- Blog titles that lure people in
- Meta descriptions that give a quick glimpse of the blog post
- H tags that speak to your target audience
- A call-to-action that people will interact with
3. Blogging Can Create Community

Another benefit of blogging is that it can create a sense of community around your blog posts. If you’re consistently producing interesting blogs that people genuinely enjoy reading, you’re bound to get a few comments on them. If people are commenting and communicating with each other on your posts, that can lead to friendships.
Blogging can become a personal thing to many people. Using a blog to create a sense of community means that your products and services will be more visible to those visiting your website. This all will evidently lead to increase sales.
4. Blogging Can Grow Your Company’s Reputation
In the online world, your company’s reputation is everything. Using a blog to grow your reputation might seem futile, but nearly 70% of businesses see increased growth in their companies as a result of investing in blogging services.
With a good reputation:
- Content will rank higher
- Your target audience will be reached
- Your company will be seen as a leader in your industry
5. Blogging Can Persuade
Nearly 85% of businesses state that they would rather have a blog to market their products or services in comparison to a standard “purchase now” campaign. No one likes to enter a store and have a salesperson run up to them while trying to sell a product. Blog writing can slowly and strategically persuade customers to draw nearer to certain products and services.
More and more customers are also getting sick of seeing Google ads all over the place in search engines. The lack of trust that these ads are creating in potential customers is having people clicking anything but those top ads. People are more intelligent buyers than ever before, thanks to the wealth of information online.
6. Blogging Builds Trust
A blog post can build trust in your target audience. If your content is personal and relatable to whoever is reading it, more people will be able to trust what you’re saying. In a lot of cases, people go online for answers to questions they might have. If your blog posts are able to do that, then people will develop a sense of trust in your company.
Digital marketing is stronger than ever before. Companies shouldn’t disregard the many benefits of blogging. A simple blog post on a topic related to your industry can:
- Retain old traffic and draw new traffic in
- Expand your target audience
- Generate new leads
Professional blogging is a time-consuming process that takes effort, time, and experience. There is so much content on the internet that it becomes difficult to figure out which company to trust. It’s even more difficult if you’re a startup that is trying to expand your company’s online presence.
7. Blogging Saves You Time
When you invest in blog writing services, that will give you extra time to do other things related to your business. As a business owner, you’re most likely already wearing a number of hats. Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about tirelessly writing blog posts because of professional content writing agencies like Still Writers.
8. Blogging Can Get You Links

Blogging can get me what? If you’ve never heard of inbound or outbound linking before, don’t worry, it’s pretty basic. By creating high-quality blog posts, you’re content will have more exposure in search engines. When people and companies visit your unique content, they will then consider linking your content to their content.
When other companies are linking your content inside of their content, that draws more exposure to your website. More links to your website means higher visibility in search engines. This all leads to a higher chance of sales on your products and services.
9. Blogging Can Give Your Company A Personality
Using a blog to give your company a personality is a great way to make it feel more relatable to your target audience. Sometimes companies will consider having guest posts on their blog in order to change things up a bit. When your company has a personality of its own, people will feel more comfortable in approaching it for their needs.
10. Blogging Shows You Care
Blogging is an effective way to show that your company cares about its audience. People realize that your company isn’t typically receiving direct payments for the information that you provide on your blog.
If you’re a company providing tips on how to safely fly a drone, people will see that you care what they are going through. You took the time out of your day to write a blog with useful information that is directed towards their personal safety and their drone.
Consider Blog Writing Services From Still Writers
Still Writers has been providing the best blog writing services for many years across many industries. Their tone of voice is one in which people feel better after reading the content they write for their clients. Clients have learned to develop a sense of trust in the blogging services from Still Writers because of a number of things:
- The time they put into researching your industry
- Their friendly approach to content writing
- Their negotiable and flexible rates
- The amount of experience they have in content writing
If you’re considering blog writing services, contact Still Writers today.
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Quinn is a professional, multi-faceted writer with a background and professional knowledge base that spans many industries. He goes above and beyond in everything he does and has an attitude of perseverance and dedication.